Training Courses
O.I.A. wants to propose scientific training courses characterizing of the osteopathy.
The places where the courses will be executed will be (but not exclusively) Eastern European countries, this in order to help spreading the culture of osteopathy in this part of the continent.
Available training projects
Workshop: Osteopathic approach to the athlete’s shoulder
The course, through a frontal lesson, introduces to an absolutely functional anatomy that is closely connected with the biomechanics and the clinic of cyclic sports gestures, such as throws (with or without tools) performed by the upper arm. This happens through descriptions that emphasize the detail and the functionalist aspects and putting them in correlation with phylogenetic, biomechanical and neurological aspects.
Marcello Luca Marasco. Osteopath, Physiotherapist, ISEF University Diploma, Director of the AbeOS School of Osteopathy in Bologna and L’Aquila. –
When: Sunday 20th of September 2020
Headquarters of the 1st O.I.A. congress
Learning outcomes:
Theoretical part:
Introduce the learner to a functionalist view of the anatomy during the upper arm gestures during the acts of rowing, throwing tools, hitting balls of different sizes, etc.
Practical diagnostic part:
Introduce the learner, using a holistic logic, to a first view of the forces transmission on the spine, and also to the observation and evaluation of the person.
Practical techniques part:
A first manual approach aimed at developing the proprioception of the subject in treatment.
Theoretical part: 4 hours.
Practical part: 4 hours.
Course notes: Yes.
Course certification: Yes.
Course costs: to be defined