Educational course organization
The course is developed on 30 monothematic seminars (32 for master’s degree in kinetotherapy ) of 4 days each, from Thursday to Sunday. The number of seminars in a teaching year is expected between 5 and 6, therefore the entire training is developed between 5 and 6 years, in compliance with the indications of W.H.O. (World Health Organization). Training in osteopathy is based on the acquisition of educational credits, clinical experience and development times of hand sensitivity. With these premises O.I.A. reserves the right to slow down or speed up the frequency of seminars for a class, within the limits just given, depending on the level of learning shown by the class.
The 30 seminars provide, with exams, a total of 120 CFOs (Educational Credits in Osteopathy, structured in compliance with ECTS). These 120 CFOs are formed by the sum of 109 CFOs from subject tables combined with 11 CFOs provided with Distance Learning, ie a structured and organized training that takes place at home (different from studying). The complete training course is made up of 1615 training hours of 50 ‘each.
In order to obtain the degree (DO) at the end of their training (see next point), graduates with a master’s degree in kinetotherapy must integrate two 3-day seminars (called INT1 and INT2) within the fourth year for a total of 4, 5 ECTS and 58 hours of lessons.
Cursul este dezvoltat pe 30 de seminarii monotematice (32 pentru master în kinetoterapie) de 4 zile fiecare, de joi până duminică. Numărul de seminarii într-un an de predare este de așteptat între 5 și 6, de aceea întreaga pregătire este dezvoltată între 5 și 6 ani, în conformitate cu indicațiile W.H.O.
(Organizatia Mondiala a Sanatatii).
Title obtained at the end of the training course
At the end of the attendance of the 30 seminars, drawn up a thesis at the end of the course and having passed the exams for the assignment of the CFO in the various subjects, one enters a final exam which, if passed, gives the student the D.O. (Diploma of Osteopathy). The exam can be taken both in Romania and in Italy, at the choice of the candidate.
Absolvirea examenului final ofera studentului titlul de D.O ( Diploma de Osteopatie). In acest moment profesia de Osteopat nu este reglementata de statul Roman. Diploma de Osteopat emisa la sfarsitul examenului final respecta standardul European CEN ( Organism ce reglementeaza curicula osteopatica in Europa) si respecta deasemenea criteriile impuse de OsEAN la care OIA este in cura de afiliere.
Participation in a single seminar
It is possible to attend a single seminar because the seminars are monothematic, therefore each meeting opens and closes a topic. It is permissible to register and attend a single lecture but, unlike the OIA students, you will have a higher registration fee for that seminar, you will not be entitled to take the exams that the CFO provides and to take the final exam for the acquisition of DO.

Clinical internship training activity in the school of osteopathy
The clinical activity is spread over 235 hours, the half plus 1 hour (or 118 hours) is carried out in the seminars with single persons suffering from real disorders, other patients coming from associations of patients or, again, from institutions of the city of Iasi. Clinical internships are also planned with role-playing, case scenarios or case-based learning. The remaining 117 hours are carried out independently by the student, it means that hours taken during his training in health care are recognized or carried out in the form of support for other osteopaths or health professionals. The student of O.I.A. has the possibility (without additional costs) to use the clinical activity that AbeOS carries out in its offices in Italy or in Romania during osteopathic assistance to the athletes of the Romanian National Rowing Club (Federal Center of Lake Snagov).
Course language 
The course of osteopathy is translated into Romanian by the Italian or English language.